It’s time to let go of your old life to make room for a new one to appear. Not only are you a different person than you were in the past, but you also live in a different world than the one you grew up in.
The present moment is fresh and alive. To fully enjoy the infinite beauty of your world, you must release the baggage of your past. Most people believe they must change their lives in a significant way before they can be happy when all they have to do is change their perspective.
Everything your mind believes it wants is an illusion. All your heart desires is to feel good. If you feel fully aligned with the flow of the Universe’s love, it doesn’t matter what your external circumstances look like.
A powerful part of releasing your past is letting go of the stories you’ve told yourself about what your future will look like. The dream life you envisioned when you were younger was the highest possible joy that the older version of you believed they were capable of experiencing.
It’s time to update your Northstar and get in tune with the heart’s dream life you’re here to live. The life you’re moving towards now is far more satisfying to your Soul than the life you used to dream of living. Do you believe an infinite, benevolent Universe has a better idea of what you want and how to manifest it than your mind does?