The energy of money is a nourishing form of love from the Universe. The reason your heart desires more money is that you love yourself and would like to have your needs met so you can have the energy and freedom to share your unique gift with the world.
Your heart already knows why your Soul has chosen to incarnate here on Earth, and now you’re remembering it. It’s so much fun to live the life your Soul came here to live!
Each time you listen to and act on your heart, you more fully align your frequency with the energy of money. The relationship between self-love and money doesn’t mean people who love themselves have more money in their bank account. The energy of money doesn’t have any interest in your net worth.
The energy of money’s greatest desire is to give you the resources needed to live your heart’s dream life. People who have manifested their heart’s desires and are living a life they love don’t spend their energy trying to increase their net worth or compare how much money they have with others.
When someone lives a life they love, they’re being fully supported by the energy of money regardless of how much they have. Your heart desires to live the life you were born to live, and the energy of money wants nothing more than to help you do that.
Your unique energy is a gift to yourself and the world. You deserve all the wonderful blessings the Universe wants to give you, and you’ll receive them the moment you fully open your heart and let love in.
The Universe