The pursuit of wealth is a noble way of caring for yourself and others. The energy of money flows to you when you share your unique gifts with the world.
Let go of the false belief that most wealthy people are selfish. The reason you want more money is that you seek to provide the necessities and freedoms that make you and your loved ones feel safe in this world.
Although there are examples of people who have used money in ways that harm others, your intentions are pure. You desire more wealth because you want to take care of the people you love, including yourself.
When you’re not worrying about money, you’ll have the energetic space to follow your heart’s guidance and share your unique medicine with the world.
When you have an abundance of resources to care for your well-being, you’ll naturally feel inspired to find ways to serve others. Money is a beautiful energy that acts as a fertilizer for your heart’s unique gifts, helping them bloom for the whole world to enjoy.