There is an unlimited amount of wealth available in your world for anyone who seeks it. Money is an infinite energy created through human effort.
By sharing your unique gifts with others, you create value that didn’t exist before. A great example of this is a painter’s ability to turn a raw canvas and paint into a work of art.
A painting can have enormous value beyond what the materials necessary to produce it cost. Within you now lie the seeds for huge wealth creation, and you’re the only one who can nurture those seeds into a beautiful harvest.
Let go of what other people tell you about money and tune into your heart. Every good and service available in the marketplace today was first created as a thought within someone’s mind.
Don’t get lost in the belief that wealth is a result of forces you’re not in control of. You’re the Creator of your life, and one of the most important energies you must work with to create a life you love is money.
Being wealthy is a beautiful reflection that will manifest in the material world when you recognize the power of your innate gifts and share them with others.