There is a mystical power that balances and harmonizes everything in existence. Go within your heart and find the center through which all things arise.
The source of all creation lives in you. When you find this place of safe refuge within your heart, nothing in the external world can throw you off center.
The answers you’re looking for all exist in your heart and will reveal themselves when you’re ready to hear them. You’re the Creator of your life, and now is the time to become the person you’ve always wanted to be.
By choosing to live as the future version of yourself that you long to be now, your entire world rearranges itself to mirror what is occurring within you. By living from the center of creation that lives in your heart, you’re attuning your frequency to the highest vibration of love.
Everything in the outer world will fall into place when you find and live from the center within. When you connect to your heart and focus all your attention there, you’ll effortlessly take the right actions at the perfect time to manifest a wonderful life.
There is no need to force things to happen when you’re living from your heart. When you move through the world with love, you embody the essence of your true self, which effortlessly attracts all your heart’s desires to you in infinitely more magical ways than your ego can imagine.
Eric John Campbell
Thank you friend 🙏 Bless you