Everything becomes clear when you sit in stillness and tune into your heart. Instead of trying to solve the problems you keep fighting with forceful thoughts, let go and allow the answers to find you.
When you surrender your mind’s grip on the idea that you must solve all your problems before you can be happy, you create energetic room to appreciate all the blessings already in your life.
Instead of asking yourself what problems in your life need fixing, ask yourself what you can appreciate about your life now. Gratitude is an energetic superpower that aligns your frequency with a vibration that effortlessly attracts manifestations that give you more things to be grateful for.
There is a time for solving your life’s more significant problems; when that time comes, you’ll feel a strong urge to take inspired action. When you don’t feel the inner call to act, let go of the need to take actions that only exist to remove the discomfort your body experiences in stillness.
Joy comes from appreciating what you already have because, without gratitude, you’ll be unable to experience lasting happiness, no matter how wonderful your life becomes. Your heart’s unique version of heaven on earth is here now, and all you must do to see it is change the lens through which you see the world.
Eric John Campbell