Table Of Contents:
Chapter 1: Your Light Is Powerful
Chapter 2: Your True Nature Is Play
Chapter 3: How To Change Your Beliefs
Chapter 4: Surrender Your Ego
Chapter 5: Return To Your Natural State
Chapter 6: You're A Channel For Love
Chapter 1: Your Light Is Powerful
This book is for everybody who wishes to live a happier, more fulfilling life. The Universe desires this for everyone and has made your world a playground for you to experiment, play, and create in.
The Universe wants you to create beautiful things so it can experience them. It's through you and your human body that the Universe can experience itself.
The planet you're living in is indeed your world. It's the kingdom you inherited as soon as you were born, and since you're a divine child of the Universe, you must realize how loved you are.
The Universe has an endless stream of unconditional love for you and looks at you with this love through all the things you consider shameful and evil. There is nothing you can do that would stop the Universe from loving you.
Before we go any further, we must address a question you may have: how could the Universe make life so cruel for many of its children whom it loves?
As a parent, you want your child to feel free, so they don't need you to do everything. In the same way, the Universe would like to intervene as little as possible so that you may figure it out on your own. The more you can do this, the greater your ability to use the power of creative thought to make things that have never existed before.
You must realize that the Universe loves every single bit of you and all you've done. In the eyes of the Universe, you're perfect exactly as you are now and always will be, no matter what you do in the future. You're a deeply loved Soul, and the Universe wants nothing more than to see your light shine.
Within everyone is pure light. This light is the Universe's infinite, unconditional love. The Universe wants you to use this light to create beautiful things in your world, which is how you'll bring heaven to earth.
Have you ever been so touched by a work of art that it moved you to tears? Has a piece of music ever given you a tingling sensation throughout your body? These feelings are what happens when someone else's light touches you. Light is powerful.
The beautiful thing about this light is that every single human has it. The light of the Universe lives in you. Having this light means you're always connected to the Universe's unconditional love and have nothing to fear.
A problem only arises when you hide your light. Contrary to what many people believe, no dark or evil forces can stop you from shining your light. You're the only one who decides whether or not you share your light with the world.
By observing others, you may have learned that your light is dangerous, will cause you to be unloved, or isn't worth sharing. Not expressing your light is painful because your whole purpose in being born on earth is to shine it fully.
When you hide your light, you experience the fear of feeling unloved. Fear comes from the absence of light. Everyone needs light to survive and especially to thrive. Light is unconditional love from the Universe and is more important than food or water.
If people don't connect to the light within themselves, they may do horrible things to others in an attempt to feel love. It's tough to watch people do this to each other, but the Universe looks at everyone with pure love. The Universe doesn't love one person more or less than another, which is why its love for you is unconditional.
The people that are doing the most horrific things need love the most. These people need you to send them light so they may see how loved they are. When these people experience how deep the Universe's love for them is, they'll stop doing these horrible things.
The Universe wants you to express your light more. Shining your light is the best way to heal your world. When you shine your light, you become a sun radiating love for all others to enjoy.
Light and love are two words that point to the same energy. The beautiful thing about this energy is that an infinite well of it lives within every individual.
The Universe has unlimited love to give you and wants nothing more than for you to express it. You can best express this light through your creative acts. You were born to create in this world, and it's how you bring heaven to earth.
You become a channel for the Universe's love whenever you create something. It doesn't matter what you make. You can share the Universe's love through a meal, poem, song, dance, or anything else you can imagine.
The amount of light you express has nothing to do with how famous or beautiful your creations are. The Universe doesn't see art as good or bad and instead sees all created things with the same unconditional love it has for you. How could the Universe not love its child's creations? Every time you shine your light, you bring more of the Universe's love into your world.
There is never a wrong way to share the Universe's love through your creations. The Universe's wish for you is that you don't let any judgments stop you from creating. You're a divine child of the Universe and an endless sea of light lives within you.
You need to express this light living inside you. You're cutting yourself off from the Universe's love when you don't share your light. Without this love, life can seem unkind even though all the love is already inside you, waiting to come out.
The most important thing to know about the Universe's love is that you must express it to feel it. You can have many loving thoughts and feelings, but that love only takes proper form once you share it. By being a vessel for the Universe's love, you're most able to feel it, which is why you hear so many people talk about how great it feels to give.
One of the most dominant beliefs that stop people from sharing their light is believing they must be practical to survive. You'll experience feelings of heaviness and fatigue anytime you sacrifice your creative expression to be practical.
Shining your light is the most natural thing for your body. To not express your light requires effort, and this effort is what you often call being practical.
There is always an opportunity to express the Universe's love. You can add this love to the breakfast you cook in the morning or how you treat your body while brushing your teeth. You don't need to quit everything and become a full-time artist to express and feel the Universe's love.
Using the need to be practical as an excuse for hiding your light is a way of protecting yourself from fear. Believing that you need more money, time, or energy is an illusion. It may feel like you need more of these things before you can share your light with the world, but you don't.
So why do people hide their light? It's different for each person, but usually, it's because of its power. When you express your light, you draw other people to you. If you grew up surrounded by darker energies, you likely learned to hide your light to avoid attracting unwanted attention.
The light living within you is something you can never lose. It was there with you the moment you were born and will be with you when you leave this life. This light is your real personality.
Most of your personality up until now are unconscious patterns you've learned over time. These patterns aren't the real you. As you begin expressing more of your light, you'll get to know your true self, which is the self that channels the Universe's love.
When you begin expressing your light regularly, you'll discover how light channels through you differs from how light channels through others. The unique way light shines through you is your authentic personality.
It's so much fun to be your true self! You never need to fear giving up the false self your upbringing has conditioned you to believe you are. This false self isn't the real you, and as soon as you let it go, you'll see how wonderful this life the Universe has created for you is.
For this book's sake, we'll call that false, conditioned self the ego. The ego isn't something you're born with. It also isn't this scary, mysterious thing that continually gets in the way of your joy. Your ego is the sum of all your conditioned responses that stop you from shining your light. The longer you hide your light, the stronger your ego becomes.
The beautiful thing about your ego is that you can quickly let it go if you choose to. You can give up your ego and immediately start living from your light. The idea that getting rid of your ego is a long, drawn-out process is a limiting belief that you can easily change.
The best way to live from your light is to focus on the positives rather than trying to fix the negatives. When you truly focus on the positives, the negatives have a way of resolving themselves. These seemingly negative things are illusions and outward manifestations of the fear that gives your ego its power.
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