There is so much abundance surrounding you now. You're deeply held and loved by a benevolent Universe that always supports you. Take a moment to feel and receive all the love flowing from your heart.
You're an incredible gift to the world who brings more love into every environment you enter with your presence. You're a radiating ball of light who helps lift the collective frequency of your planet just by being alive in it.
You're already doing a wonderful job of making the world a more loving place. Take a deep breath and feel in your heart how beautiful you are.
It's time to let go of old stories and doubts that say you don't deserve a happy life. It's time to live the life your heart has always longed to live by surrendering the energetic baggage of your past that you no longer need.
In my new book, Your Unique Path to Wealth, I often talk about how pursuing money can be an excuse that prevents many people from appreciating the wealthy life already in front of them.
You don't need to have lots of money before you can start doing what you love and living a deeply fulfilled life. Money is a tool necessary for meeting our essential needs, but beyond that, it's a bonus that can't deliver happiness on its own.
If you have enough money to meet your essential needs, you can start to live the life your ego believes you need more money to live right now. Is there any part of your life you're delaying by telling yourself you must have more money before you can fully live?
By appreciating all the wonderful things already present in your life, you attract more things that make you feel good.
Eric John Campbell